Thursday, January 5, 2012

Review of Bridesmaids

I do think Kristen Wiig can be pretty funny.  She was hysterical in Knocked Up and was one of the only good things about Adventureland.  But I think she's the funniest in supporting roles.  Bridesmaids has some funny moments, and some really funny moments.  Wiig's impersonation of a penis is a total laugh right out loud kind of moment.  Overall though, it's a long disingenuous average comedy.
It seems like most of this movie was an inside joke between Wiig and Maya Rudolph, and I wasn't in on it.  Most of the side story lines were awkward and unfunny.  It seemed like they were things that the writers (Wiig being one of them) thought were really funny and wanted to keep no matter how much longer it made the movie.  And believe me, it seemed long.
Enter the movie's saving grace, Melissa McCarthy.  She is hysterical.  So funny, in fact, that I'm going to start watching her tv show.  Her character definitely keeps you guessing (unlike the plot) and you never know what she is going to do and say next.  Those are the best performances to watch in any movie.  Her scene when she is hitting on the man sitting next to her on the plane is awesome.  The funniest part of the movie is also the grossest.  Food poisoning is a bummer to have (no pun intended) but it sure is funny to watch.  And gross.  But that didn't matter too much cause I could hardly see the gross stuff through my tears of laughter.  McCarthy is a natural comedienne.  It is such a pleasure to watch her because she's so relaxed.  She never seems to be forcing the jokes.  She just plays the scene.  Wiig's downfall here is that she is pushing the jokes so hard that you get tired of feeling forced to laugh.
There is a potentially really great romantic storyline with Wiig and a policeman.  The cop (played by Chris O'Dowd) is one of the few sincere people in the movie.  He's just so likeable.  But when Wiig is playing opposite of him in what should be genuine moments, she is so uncomfortable that it isn't believable.  Even if the movie is a comedy, you need some honest moments to make you care about the characters.
I'm sure this movie was a lot of fun for real life friends Wiig and Rudolph to make.  I just wish it was as fun to watch.  And John Hamm, stop it.  You are too charming and good looking to be playing a douchey role like this.  Go back to Mad Men where you are a person we love to hate but still lust after.  And why do 3 people in this movie have foreign accents?  So weird.  And why does Maya Rudolph look like she is either in physical pain or just smelled pooh all the way through this movie?  I mean, during one scene it makes sense.  But the whole movie? 
Dear Kristen Wiig,  It's a good thing the supporting cast swoops in and saves this movie from being a totally snoozer.  Maybe you should stick to bit parts and sketch comedy, cause you really can't carry a movie on your own.  Sincerely, Someone who was thinking, "man, The Hangover is way funnier than this," during the last half of your movie.
I say, worth a watch, but rental only and don't expect hysterical just shoot for mildly entertaining.

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